Friday, September 21, 2012

Translating Data

The accumulation of data as a foundation for design requires keen appropriation. Data allows for opportunistic design potentials when organized and articulated appropriately. The gathering of data should never limit or constrict a design; it should also never hold dogmatic relations over the result. When organizing acquired data, the opportunity arises to articulate a design which is fully justified resulting in an outcome which is both grounded in fact and inspired by a data driven process yet is not mutually exclusive to the initial numbers and research compiled. The data should lead to a direction through its organization and provide a clear, interesting and poetic method to express itself. A reinvention of the representation of data and facts welcomes the bridge to a design strategy which roots itself in its process. Design innovation emerges through the challenging of convention.

 The image above is composed of data regaurding crime associated with 24hour laundry mats; the information is orgainized not through a conventional chart or graph but through a process of mapping which forms moments and connections within itself which then relate to spatial conditions used to inspire the design shown below.

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