Sunday, September 30, 2012

Drawing Architecture / A Conversation with Perry Kulper

If you haven't read this post by AWI Architecture Think Tank, then you should.

Basically, WAI discussed with Perry Kulper the concept, intention, and potential of drawing architecture. Click on the image to go to the article.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Translating Scales

We'll be brief with this one.

These projects were about imagining a new Philadelphia after the collapse of the American Empire, and the subsequent redefinition of the sacred by new society in the ruins of the old. The project follows a continuous reduction in scale.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Delaware Power Plant

By Jordan Sheftel:

           Built in 1917 by Philadelphia architect John T. Windrim PECO’s Delaware power station has sat idle since the 1980’s. Windrim, whose work includes numerous commissions from PECO and Bell Telephone as well as the Franklin Institute and the Lincoln-Liberty building was recognized as Philadelphia’s premier architect for classical-revival and Beaux-arts style in his time.
The building sits adjacent to Penn Treaty Park on the Delaware River waterfront and is currently owned by PECO. There has been talk of redevelopment including everything from a museum to an apartment complex. But with no sure-fire plans and difficulty securing Historic protection its future remains uncertain.     


Friday, September 21, 2012

Translating Creations

01. Full Scale Catalog

Architecture as a means of producing: Architecture should be though about and explored as a process. A series of creations that lead to the next. The process of developing an idea through a series of physical manifestations. In this case starting with research and a series of exploratory drawings to develop an idea and  representing it.

 02. Site Model

The development of the project's process was intended to be cyclical rather than linear. The process became a means of looking into the nature of various aspects of an idea including the conceptual, physical, material, and character of an idea - not only with abstract thoughts, but with concrete representations.

 03. Material Explorations

The making of a text, drawing, or model, should allow the observer and maker to read into the artifacts in various ways to allow for a creative visual and spoken dialog between all viewers of the work.

Translating Data

The accumulation of data as a foundation for design requires keen appropriation. Data allows for opportunistic design potentials when organized and articulated appropriately. The gathering of data should never limit or constrict a design; it should also never hold dogmatic relations over the result. When organizing acquired data, the opportunity arises to articulate a design which is fully justified resulting in an outcome which is both grounded in fact and inspired by a data driven process yet is not mutually exclusive to the initial numbers and research compiled. The data should lead to a direction through its organization and provide a clear, interesting and poetic method to express itself. A reinvention of the representation of data and facts welcomes the bridge to a design strategy which roots itself in its process. Design innovation emerges through the challenging of convention.

 The image above is composed of data regaurding crime associated with 24hour laundry mats; the information is orgainized not through a conventional chart or graph but through a process of mapping which forms moments and connections within itself which then relate to spatial conditions used to inspire the design shown below.


Sentimentality may not be derived from a single meeting, but rather a series of visitations and resulting mood that favored surfaces, and materials may apply to a memory. Recurring meetings post initial contact may be facilitated through the act of recollection, in this way reinforcing the mood attached to the most prevalent moments of the experience. Compilation of these moments coerces a particular image whose applied meanings and moods are applied to and similarly born of.